The Heartache Will be No More

tdomf_46f9a   January 15, 2012   Comments Off on The Heartache Will be No More

You were happy,Then falls dreadful Nights,always hurt,always fights.
You want them to leave,right?
They are gone-and you grieve Constantly,
Ooo the pain…
Feeling as though without them it will Never be right.
Why have you been forsaken.
The ache in your heart,wondering will You go insane.Praying.Can’t hear what Others are saying.
The racing & pressure in your chest & Mind of questions-solutions
Replaying like a bad dream of which you Cannot awaking.
All the hurtful things they said
You try to get them out of your head
This is the most painful thing

It does not last…the pain,you may Have heard,
But did not believe.You had to grieve!
You dealt day by day missing them.
Over time your better than alright!!!
Surrounding yourself with good Friends,positivity & light.
You let them go,you freed the bird ending heartache galore.
Those with comforting words were right!
The wound is healed,THANK THE LORD the Anguish & heartache are no more!!