Acquaintances are many but friends are very rare
For with a true and trusting friend your secrets you can share
Your friend will comfort you and advise you and you will not betray
Your friend will never disown you and as your friend will stay
When others do not wish to know you your friend as your friend remain
And feel lucky in your lifetime if one loyal friend you gain
Your friend will always stand by you no matter come what may
And when you ask your friend for help your friend will not turn you away
No your friend will stand by you when you are feeling down
When others shun you as if you were an outcast of the town
Acquaintances like Nature’s Seasons they come to your life and go
But your friend a friend for lifetime and the bond of friendship grow
And the one who betrays your trust could never be your friend
Your friend to you is ever true and one on whom you can depend.
This poem is submitted by Jaspreet Kaur